STRANGE DARLING is a wonderfully shot picture, but its out of order storytelling proves frustrating and wishing it was told
in linear fashion only for you to find out the out of order story is the only thing that makes the film seem better than it
is. This movie is very much a bait and switch exercise as it tricks you in thinking one thing before revealing something
else. I don't blame the actors are great in this and the cinematography/ direction/ music are great, but the editing did
it in for me. A great example of out-of-order editing to tell a tale is an early film in the career of Christopher Nolan
called MMENTO. STRANGE DARLING is nowhere close to the genius of Nolan and I don't get why some critics think this is a great
thriller. It is over-hyped and overrated.
STRANGE DARLING follows the tale of a girl being chased by a guy you think is bad when he is a cop who may or may not
be a bad guy. She meets him one night and stay at a hotel only to have him start chasing her as he wants her dead. The
out-of-order editing helps keep you watching, but I realize how bad the movie is once all of the surprises are revealed.
I can compare it to THE SIXTH SENSE which is good for one watch and you find out it isn't a film worth rewatching once all
of the twists are shown. The movie opens with a text telling about the final murders of a serial killer before launching
into this very out-of-order tale that I don't think lives up to the hype.
The only extra is the trailer and I do wish there was an audio commentary or featurette on the movie. I can only recommend
that you wait to catch it on a streaming service before you decide whether it is worth the money to buy it on blu-ray.
This review is ©2-14-2025 David blackwelll and cannot be reprinted without permission. Send all comments to