ALIENS VS. PREDATOR (aka AVP) was a disappointment. The sequel, ALIENS VS. PREDATOR: REQUIEM (aka AVPR), is a disappointment
on some levels while being better in other areas than AVP. I did enjoy watching AVPR in the theater, but it is so easy to
take apart. It has definite problems.
First, I'll tell the basic plot. The predator ship from the end of AVP crash lands in the forest oustide of some American
town (as the result of that Preadtor Alien wrecking havoc on the hsip). The first victims of the aliens are a hunter and
his son and some homeless people. A lone predator is sent to dispatch the aliens (I wonder why only one- they should have
explained that one). So the aliens start causing problems to the town in no time as the military get ready to deal witha
way to contain it.
AVPR is fast and action-packed. It can make you jump and the alien fights against the humans and the predator work sometimes.
However, the script is full of cliche characters belonging to some other film. You have the teenager infighting plot and
the cex-con brother trying to find a job and so many other clutter that I could tear apart all day. They don't even bother
to develop the military mom home from Iraq in any detail. They could have used her character to do more instead of focusing
on an ex-con and his younger brother (who pines over a blond who gets killed anyway). AVPR could have used more character
development and more suspense (slow the movie down, Strause Brothers). The little fanboy nod at the end is cool. As a
mindless popcorn action movie, AVPR works great. As a follow-up to AVP and the other Alien and Predator films, it is a little
weak. Maybe it is time for Fox to restart the Alien and Predator film series instead of another potentionally lame AVP sequel.
The script read bad and the trailer looked cool. It just that AVPR could have been so much better.
this movie review is (c)1-2-2008 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission. send all comments to
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