DVD Review by David Blackwell
DETAILS: 93 minutes, previews
STUDIO: SPHE/ China Star, 100 Years of Film Company
RELEASE DATE: 12-20-2005
WHITE DRAGON is a bad martial arts film. It starts out like a bad rip-off CLUELESS or any high school film done as a
Chinese martial arts film. A female student becomes the White Dragon after the powers of the previous white dragon is passed
onto her. She decides to steal from the rich and give to the poor to get rid of those nasty pimples that popped up on her
face. She overhears of a plot to kill the Second Prince which she loves. So she decides to go out and kill the blind assassin
Chicken Fetahers. She ends up getting to know the guy and expose the person who hired Chicken Feathers. WHITE DRAGON is
the type of film I fast forwarded every time White Dragon plays her flute. The climax has a Scooby Doo reveal moment a rip-off
of the final scene from STAR WARS episode IV (A NEW HOPE) or any fighting for the empire (or kingdom) film.
VIDEO: 1.85:1 (Anamorphic Widescreen)
AUDIO: English 5.1 Dolby Digital, French 5.1 DD, Chinese 5.1 DD
Subtitles: English, French, Portoguese, Spanish
Like many films coming from Asia, WHITE DRAGON does suffer from some grain. Avoid the English dub mix because the voice
acting is wrong for the characters. Stick with the original Chinese 5.1 with subtitles.
EXTRAS: Only previews for MirrorMask, some Steven Seagal film, and the latest Final Fantasy film.
this DVD Review is (c)12-19-2005 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission (except for excerpts and a
link to the review). Look for additional content at http://www.livejournal.com/users/enterlinemedia and send all comments
to lord_pragmagtic@hotmail.com