Sometimes movies are an exact science, but director Christopher Nolan has struck gold again with his latest film, THE PRESTIGE.
He first took everyone off guard with MEMENTO and then he thrilled them with a reboot to the Batman franchise with BATMAN
BEGINS (he begins production next summer on the sequel, BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT with Heath Ledger as the Joker). Before he
reunites with Christian Bale and Michael Caine for a third time, he used them for their second effort together.
THE PRESTIGE is an absorbing time twisting thriller where misdirection is the point and yet sometimes the simplest answer
is the truth. THE PRESTIGE follows the story of two magicians, The Great Dantan (Hugh Jackman) and The Professor (Christian
Bale), who become rivals after the accidental death of The Great Datan's wife during a magic act. The Great Dantan becomes
obsessed with getting revenge while The Professor seems to be content when he marries and has a daughter. However, it isn't
that simple. On some days, The professor loves his wife while others he doesn't. He comes up with a new magic act called The
Transported Man which The Great Dantan dulpicates by using an actor as his double. Yet it isn't good enough as he sends his
assistant to work for The Professor to learn his secret. It leads him on a journey to Colorado to meet the great scientist
Tesla (David Bowie). He gets Tesla to build him a transport machine which has unseen side effects.
THE PRESTIGE is a solid movie (one of the best of 2006) as the story unfolds as it goes back and forth in time starting
with the Professor on trial for the murder of The Great Dantan. Michael Caine is part of the great cast as the guy who creates
the tricks for The Great Dantan. The period detail is breathtaking while the twists prove this is a film you must see more
than once. David Bowie has an understated performance as Tesla in the best performance by Bowie ever. He left an impression
for the small amount of screen time he has in THE PRESTIGE. THE PRESTIGE will have you thinking and looking again as this
one will definitely be a hit on DVD. It is a movie obsession. Also it is the one about why and how.
this review is (c)11-17-2006 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission (except for excerpts and a link
to the review). Look for additional content at and send all comments to