DVD Review by David Blackwell
DETAILS: 101 minutes, Making of featurette, Cheer Camp featurette, previews
STUDIO: Columbia/ Revolution Studios
RELEASE DATE: 7-19-2005
ANALYSIS: MAN OF THE HOUSE is a charming comedy with heart that works partly because Tommy Lee Jones plays his role with
a straight face. He plays a Texas Ranger (Lt. Roland Sharp) asisgned to protect five cheerleaders who witnessed
a murder. The cheerleaders get to him and make him a better person.
Humor and charm mixed in with enough action and eye candy make MAN OF THE HOUSE quite a fun movie to watch. You also
get a look into the pride that goes into attending college football games and the energy (and pep) that the cheerleaders bring
to the games and rallies.
VIDEO: 2.40:1 (Anamorphic) and 1.33:1 (for those who wnat a cropped version)
The widescreen transfer is good while the Full Frame one is a little grainy.
AUDIO: English 5.1 Dolby Digital, French 2.0 Dolby Surround
Subtitles: English, French (special features not subtitled)
The audio isn't bad. Dialogue comes through clearly while other sound effects are excellent.
SPECIAL FEATURES: Other than previews, we get two featurettes. A Making of featurette on the movie which tells
how Tommy Lee Jones suggested the change of location to Texas and how helpul the city of Austin (and the University of Texas)
have been to the production. The Cheer Camp featurette shows the actresses going through training to be a cheerleader.
I do wish an audio commentary was recorded for this film (perphaps with the cast and director).
FINAL ANALYSIS: If you like Tommy Lee Jones or comedies, MAN OF THE HOUSE might not disappoint.
this DVD Review is (c)8-3-2005 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission. Send all comments to and look for additional content at