HEROES is like a comic book- a really great comic book. It is multi-layered serialized drama with multiple characters.
The concept is simple- what if people in the real world started to develop super powers and their journey. How will these
heroes come together is a season long saga as they will try to stop something bad from happening to New York City (I won't
spoil it for you what is predicted for New York City because it will be revealed near the end of the pilot).
You have the high school cheerleader who has a high speed healing ability like Wolverine, a Japanese office worker who
can manipulate time and space (and he will teleport himself to New York City after a test teleport to the bathroom in a Japanese
bar), a single mom who runs a porn site (that has a doppelganger who protects her), and a young man who believes he can fly
(but you won't know that until at least episode 2 because the ending raises a whole new question about his dreams). Then you
have two normal people: a teacher (who flies from India to New York City to complete his father's work of finding super powered
people) and the government man (who might have killed the Indian man's father and may be covering things up). Just wait until
you see some of the revelations at the end of the episode that might cause your jaw to drop. The Japanese guy mentions Uncanny
X-Men 143 shows how in tune the creator is with the comic book world. It wouldn't be far off by saying this is like a variation
of the comic book RISING STARS as I have a feeling it will follow the same themes. The pilot has me hooked and hope HEROES
at least lasts one season as it is one of the best new shows I have ever seen.
this review is (c)9-24-2006 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission (except for excerpts and a link
to the review). Look for additional content at http://enterlinemedia.livejournal.com and send all comments to lord_pragmagtic@hotmail.com