BLOODY TIES is a mad and bold Korean crime drama. Detective Doh makes a deal with drug dealer Sangdo to help bring down
drug lord Jangchul in the city of Bosun. Also twisted into the plot is a cystal meth (addicted) hooker that Sangdo saves and
his uncle, The Professor. Doh is obsessed with getting Jangchul since his partner was killed by the infamous drug lord who
turned around and cut a deal with the D.A.'s office. Now Jangchul is at it again with the D.A. watching his back. Doh has
taken up with his dead partner's wife and hope to have this madness over soon when he make s a deal with Sangdo.
BLOODY TIES is a crime film on the same level as HEAT, the MIAMI VICE TV series, and INFERNAL AFAIRS. BLOODY TIES is a
moody film that inserts you into the worlds of the cop, the dealer, and the crystal meth addict. There are no easy answers
as the poor turn to drugs, the D.A. and cops bust the dealers, and the drugs keep coming. The D.A. makes deals while turning
a blind eye to certain activities. Sangdo is a dealer who doesn't use his product like many other dealers. Detective Doh has
anger issues as he likes to beat on his suspects. It makes no compromises and make sure you stick around for the little scene
after the end credits.
VIDEO: 2.35:1 (Anamorphic Widescreen)
THe transfer is pretty good looking even though the movie is grainy at times, but it may have to do with the way the film
was shot and many South Korean films have the same look which boils down to film stock being used.
AUDIO: Korean 5.1, 2.0 Dolby Digital, 5.1 DTS
Subtitles: English, Spanish
Subtitles match up like clockwork while the audio is excellent.
SPECIAL FEATURES: The original theatrical trailer in addition to Tartan Asia Extreme previews for HEROIC DUO, OLDBOY, LADY
VENGEANCE, and H are included. A 15 minute making of featurette is also on the disc as director Ho Choi talks about the production
FINAL ANALYSIS: BLOODY TIES is a crime film for anyone who loved MIAMI VICE, INFERNAL AFFAIRS, or HEAT.
this review is (c)2-10-2007 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission (except for excerpts and a link
to the review). Look for additional content at and send all comments to