I wouldn't have watched HONEY if it didn't star Jessica Alba. I'm glad I did watch the movie due to the fact that Jessica
Alba starred in this movie because I have found a new guilty pleasure.
HONEY is a fun and energetic movie that is destined to be a guilty pleasure, and it will appeal to the teen and young adult
audience. The movie is about Honey Daniels, a young woman who lives in the Bronx that wants to be a dancer in hip hop dance
videos. She gets her chance when a hot music video director, Michael Eliis, spots her and she soon finds herself choreographing
music videos for him.
However, there are several cliches in this movie. Also the movie does change gears several times and some will wonder what
type of story that HONEY is trying to tell. I did see they were trying to make HONEY into some type of fairy tale fable. HONEY
suffers from a multiple personality disorder. If they had a better script, HONEY would have been something more than just
a guilty pleasure.
The movie is presented in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen. The picture is sharp and clear. The colors are vivid and bright.
The colors look like the colors you see in real life. The audio is right on.
The most interesting thing in the bonus material is 33 1/2 minutes of deleted scenes (16 deleted scenes) that include a
couple of scenes in the record store that Honey worked at, some more hip hop dance scenes, the Making of Tweet- "Hypnotic",
some character scenes, and a scene where Honey auditions for an off broadway play. Next is 4 minutes of outtakes which show
screw-ups while filming the movie including Missy Elliot can't get her lines right. There are two music videos that were featured
partly in the movie, but the two videos are presented in full. Also Blaque's "I'm Good" video is among the bonus material
(the video originally played during the end credits of Honey).
MAKE YOUR MOVE: DANCE LIKE HONEY is a nine minute featurette where the movie's dance choreographer (Laurie Ann Gibson)
teaches one of the dance routines Honey does in the movie.
BEHIND THE GROOVE: THE MAKING OF HONEY is promotional fluff from Universal. It last for about 11 minutes and features some
interviews from the cast and crew. You learn much more from the commentary.
Next, IN THE MIX WITH BLAQUE: GO BEHIND THE SCENES OF BLAQUE'S MUSIC VIDEO is a 6 1/2 minute behind the scenes look at
the making of Blaque's music video that includes interviews with jessica Alba and the members of Blaque. Also there
are some extensive cast and crew bios.
Finally, the commentary track with director Billie Woodruff and actress Jessica Alba is fun and easy-flowing. Billie and
Jessica talk like friends just having a conversation, tell some production stories, and Jessica obsesses over the clothes
in the movie.
HONEY may find an audience on DVD. It has some good extras, but skip the making of featurette and listen to the commentary.
If you're looking for a movie that has the best script in the world, don't rent this one. HONEY is a definite guilty
pleasure DVD rental that you will love or love to tear apart in Mystery Science Theater 3000 style.
this review is (c)3-13-2004 David Blackwell and this review can't be reprinted without permission. send all comments to
lord_pragmagtic@hotmail.com and look for additional content (and site updates) at http://www.livejournal.com/users/enterlinemedia